Monday 19 September 2011

District 71 Executive

District Executive.

District 71 encompasses Ireland and Britain and is administered by the District Executive.
Members of the Executive are elected at the May Conference every year and the candidates
alternate on a yearly basis  between  British and Irish Toastmasters.  The positions of District
Governor, Lt. Governor Education & Training and Marketing and District PRO are elected


In practise, elections are only contested for the District PRO, who then advances unopposed
through the marketing and education positions, eventually becoming the District
Governor.  The Treasurer, Secretary and District Statistician are appointed by the District
Governor while the previous year’s District Governor remains on the executive in an ex-officio
Capacity.  Caroline O’ Connor, Blarney Toastmasters, is the current District Secretary.

The Current District Executive is as follows:

District Governor: Jim Hegarty (Limerick).
Lt.Governor Education & Training: Freddie Daniells (London).
Lt. Governor  Marketing : Luanne Kent (Dublin).
District Public Relations Officer: Hilary Briggs (London).
Treasurer: Martin Cowley  (Dublin).
Secretary: Caroline O’ Connor (Cork).
District Statistician: Rory Marriott (London).
Past District Governor; Teresa Dukes (Ipswich).

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